Professional Self-Care Challenge: Week 4

Professional self-care is crucial for women to maintain their physical and mental well-being while successfully managing their work lives. In today's fast-paced world, it is essential to prioritise self-care to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Setting boundaries is an important aspect of self-care that we all need to focus on to achieve our professional goals while focussing on wellbeing.

The first step in setting boundaries is to treat breaks as breaks. Avoid checking work emails or taking work-related phone calls during breaks. This allows for necessary time to relax and recharge. Use breaks to take a walk, meditate, or engage in any other activity that helps to relax and unwind.

The second step is to set strict log-off times. Ensure that you log off from work at a specific time each day, and avoid checking work emails or taking work-related phone calls after that time (easier said than done)! This will help create a clear boundary between work and personal life, which is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

The third step is to set office hours to reduce off-hours interruptions. Can you communicate your set office hours to colleagues and clients, and avoid taking work-related phone calls or responding to work emails outside of these hours? What is the expectation of your company? Are you always on? Following this step can help avoid burnout and ensure that you have enough time to recharge and take care of yourself outside of work.

How did you find the challenge this month? Which of the steps did you find most useful? Remember that professional self-care is essential for women to maintain optimal physical and mental well-being while managing their work lives.

Take a break and read a chapter during lunch.


Journal Prompt: What was the biggest change you experienced this past month? What habits will you continue?


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