Empowering Friday Rituals for Executive Women: Gratitude, Self-Care, and Reflection

📸 Brett Costello: Corporate Member Tracy Tresidder M.Ed. MCC playing at AWGN's IWD23 Event at New South Wales Golf Club

Fridays offer a unique opportunity to pause, reflect, and cultivate gratitude. It's a day to not only celebrate achievements but also to acknowledge the positive moments that often go unnoticed amidst the hustle. Here's a short guide to incorporating gratitude and self-care into your Friday routine.

1. Gratitude Practice:
Take a few minutes to jot down three things you're grateful for this week. Whether it's a successful project, a supportive colleague, or a personal accomplishment, acknowledging these moments fosters a positive mindset.

2. Celebrate Achievements:
Acknowledge your professional victories. It could be closing a deal, leading a successful meeting, or overcoming a challenge. Celebrate these wins to boost your confidence and motivation.

3. Self-Care Break:
Allocate time for self-care. Whether it's a quick 9 holes, a short meditation session, or enjoying a cup of your favourite tea, indulge in activities that recharge your mind and body.

4. Express Appreciation:
Send a thoughtful message to a colleague or team member who has made a positive impact. Expressing gratitude not only strengthens professional relationships but also creates a supportive work environment.


Take a moment to reflect on your week with a journal prompt: "What achievements brought me joy this week, and how can I incorporate more moments of gratitude into my professional life?" Embrace this opportunity for self-discovery and growth.

As we conclude the week, consider: How can integrating gratitude and self-care into our Friday routine positively impact our leadership and professional journey? Share your insights and experiences below.

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