#30days Home Organisation Challenge

DAY 21: “At first glance, people might think the point of minimalism is only to get rid of material possessions: Eliminating. Jettisoning. Extracting. Detaching. Decluttering. Paring down. Letting go. But that’s a mistake. True, removing the excess is an important part of the recipe—but it’s just one ingredient. If we’re concerned solely with the stuff, we’re missing the larger point. Minimalists don’t focus on having less, less, less. We focus on making room for more: more time, more peace, more creativity, more experiences, more contribution, more contentment, more freedom. Clearing the clutter frees up the space. Minimalism is the thing that gets us past the things so we can make room for life’s important things—which aren’t things at all.”



What feels excessive in my life at the moment?

What do I want to do less, feel less, hear less, see less, talk about less?


Spruce Up Your Sock Drawer

In general, socks drawers are basically a clutter magnet because they are the least organised place you have for your clothes. In reality, many are going through the same issue and are looking for ways to fix it. The first and most obvious step every person must take is to throw away any mismatching or outworn socks in order to make room for the new hosiery. Once this step is completed, you can move on to organising the sock drawers neatly. Not only will this help you find a pair of socks more easily, but it will also save space and clear your mind from chaos.

Arranging socks by color and pattern

One of the biggest fashion evolutions of socks is that they are being designed in all kinds of colors and patterns. Some socks come in plain, solid shades, while others include graphics and different patterns like the argyle style with multiple colors that match everyone’s taste and outfit. Organise them following the color wheel palette, you can start by putting the brightest socks at the top and your darkest ones at the end of your drawer.

Organising your socks based on length and function

One of the best things about socks is that they come in different sizes. Therefore, categorising them according to their length is another way of organising your sock drawer. You can start by putting your no-show socks at the top of the drawer and work your way up to the knee-high socks.

How to properly fold your socks

Once you decide on the way of arranging your socks, you can move on to choosing a sock folding method which will also create a neater sock drawer. Although many people fold their hosiery using the “ball” method, it is in fact very inefficient because it makes the socks bulkier and takes up more space in your drawer. An alternative methods for properly folding your socks is the KonMari method is one of the most popular ways invented involves folding your socks in half and bringing the toe to the top to form a straight line. Other methods you can employ for properly folding your socks are the cube method and the Military style. No matter which method you choose, the result will certainly be an organised sock drawer.

It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.
— Eleanor Roosevelt

#30days Home Organisation Challenge


#30days Home Organisation Challenge